The Alpena Blues Coalition has sponsored the Alpena Blues Festival for 20 years, with 2025 being our 21st Annual. The Board of Directors and Coalition consist entirely of local, community volunteers. The Festival is an outdoor event, but the Coalition has emergency plans in place to accommodate and protect the musicians and Festival goers in case of inclement weather. The music is provided by professional and local, non-professional musicians. Our goal: Offer the community a unique musical experience to promote and preserve Blues music and it’s history.
Additionally, the Coalition gives back to the community three ways: a) Our “Blues in the Schools” program exposes the local school system to Blues music. We hire professional Blues musicians to perform at a school of our choice during the school year. b) Our “Help Stamp Out Hunger with the Blues” program is comprised of year-round food drives as well as financial support to local hunger-relief agencies. The Coalition also collects food on site at the Festival itself. c) We present the community with a Festival of professional Blues artists from around the state and country as well as showcasing local bands and musicians to open the show.
Our Festival is held every June, and in August we begin planning for the next Festival. Those plans include soliciting sponsorships, Festival volunteers and resources from Alpena and Northeast Michigan. It also includes establishing the performers line-up for the next Festival, as well as artists for the “Blues in the Schools” program. Also included in the planning, is establishing our public relations through the website (, Facebook ( print, radio and television media, magazines, periodicals and informational posters.
Kalamazoo Valley Blues Association – Keeping the Blues Alive! (
Marquette Area Blues Society - Home of the Marquette Area Blues Festival
Mid North Michigan Blues Society Facebook Page
West Michigan Blues Society (